These are just some random tips will help you get better, use it please.
1. Know the HEAD LINE. When you turn a corner and suddenly an enemy is in your face, the one whose crosshair is at head level will win, because it only takes one bullet to kill.
2. Use your ears. Footsteps make sound. Different surfaces have different sound. Different volume at different distances. There is even a jump sound, and switching weapon and reloading sound. Use your ears.
3. Use the SHIFT key. Basically it makes all movement silent and is a counter to step 2.
4. Use your radar. Know where your teammates are, and you will know where the fights are, and you can figure out where the enemy is.
OK this is it for now, I'll be updating this post soon, maybe tips for specific weapons, and tips for specific maps. If you think of anything leave a comment on this post and I'll add it to the list.
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